Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT karena berkat rahmat dan hidayah-Nya penulis dapat menyelesaikan penyusunan makalah Tenses ilmu Grammar untuk Perkuliahan. Makalah ini penulis susun berdasarkan pada Standar Isi 2006 mata pelajaran Grammar, yang dapat menunjang mahasiswa untuk mengembangkan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP).
Makalah ini penulis susun agar mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan dasar yang logis dan kritis, rasa ingin tahu, inkuiri, memecahkan masalah, dan keterampilan dalam meningkatkan kosakata dan tata cara penulisan Bahasa Inggris. Ruang lingkup makalah ini mencakup simple past tense, simple present tense, simple future tense, present perfect tense, dan present continious tense.
Materi pelajaran ini disusun secara sistematis, komprehensif, dan terpadu. Materi disusun dengan bahasa yang jelas dan mudah dipahami. Selanjutnya pada akhir bab, disajikan kesimpulan beserta daftar pustaka.
Berikut ini urutan penyajian makalah.
1. Pendahuluan.
2. Pendahuluan mengantarkan peserta didik dan diskusi untuk mengenal dan memahami materi yang akan dipaparkan sehingga dapat menarik peserta didik untuk belajar lebih jauh isi makalah.
3. Pembahasan yang memuat informasi bagi mahasiswa dalam berlatih memecahkan masalah dan mengemukakan pendapat baik secara individu maupun berkelompok.
4. Kesimpulan yang berisi ringkasan materi yang telah dibahas dan dipelajari dalam tiap subbab.
5. Petikan ilmu memuat sikap dan prilaku yang dapat diteladani oleh mahasiswa terkait dengan tema yang dipelajari.
Penulis menyadari bahwa makalah ini belum sempurna, meskipun penulis telah berusaha menyusunnya sebaik mungkin. Oleh karena itu, kritikan dan masukan dari para pemakai makalah ini sangat penulis harapkan demi perbaikan makalah ini. Tidak lupa penulis mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada teman-teman, dosen, konsultan, editor, dan narasumber lainnya yang telah membantu terwujudnya makalah ini.
Akhirnya penulis berharap semoga makalah ini dapat bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa. Selamat belajar, semoga sukses. Amin,
Bukittinggi, 1 November 2010
A. Latar Belakang
Tenses merupakan bahan ajaran atau komponen penting dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris terutama, bagi mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan bahasa inggris. Hal ini karena, jika tata penulisan bahasa inggris itu tidak sesuai dengan urutannya maka akan membingungkan pembaca. Dan isi atau tujuan penulis menulis karangn tersebut itu tidak dapat tersampaikan dengan baik. Dan pembelajaran tenses ini juga berkaitan dengan penulisan skripsi saat menamatkan pendidikan bahasa inggris ini.
B. Identitas Masalah
Masalah atau subyek ini merupakan bagian dari ilmu Grammar khususnya Ilmu tentang tenses. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman mahasiswa dalam tata cara menulis karangan bahasa inggris dan tata cara pengucapannya khususnya bagi, Mahasiswa STAIN Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi.
C. Pembatasan Masalah
Masalah yang dipaparkan oleh penulis dalam makalah ini adalah mengenai Tenses. Dalam pembahasannya tenses terbagi dalam beberapa kelompok diantaranya, simple past tense, simple present tense, simple future tense, present perfect tense, dan present continious tense. Dan untuk pencapaian pemahaman mengenai Tenses penulis mengajukan beberapa poin permasalahan yang akan dibahas. Poin-poin permasalahan tersebut ialah sebagai berikut:
1. Mengapa tenses perlu untuk dibahas?
2. Apakah fungsi utama dari simple past tense, simple present tense, simple future tense, present perfect tense, dan present continious tense?
D. Perumusan Masalah
Tenses sangat penting dan berhubungan erat dalam tata cara penulisan bahasa inggris. Dan kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai tenses akan berpengaruh besar bagi mahasiswa yang mempelajari bahasa inggris terutama bagi mahasiswa yang berjurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Oleh sebab itulah tenses perlu dikaji dan dibahas kembali. Dan dalam pencapaian tujuan tenses ini penulis memberikan acuan pemahaman dengan mengemukakan beberapa pertanyaan yang mendasar. Pertanyaan tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Jelaskan definisi mengenai tenses!
2. Berikan beberapa contoh kalimat dari simple past tense, simple present tense, simple future tense, present perfect tense, dan present continious tense!
3. Jelaskanlah kapan kalimat dari simple past tense, simple present tense, simple future tense, present perfect tense, dan present continious tense digunakan!
E. Tujuan Penulisan
Tujuan penulis menulis makalah ini yakni untuk membantu menjelaskan tata cara penggunaan kata dan penulisan kata yang bersesuaian dengan waktu dan kondisi terjadinya suatu peristiwa dalam penulisan karya tulis bahasa inggris. Dan tak hanya itu, penulis menulis makalah ini dengan tujuan untuk menuntaskan tugas demi meningkatkan nilai tugas pekuliahan bagi penulis.
F. Manfaat Penulisan
Penulis membuat makalah ini agar dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca yakni mahasiswa STAIN Sjeh M. Djamil Djambek Bukittingi, terutama bagi penulis. Manfaat tersebut antara lain seperti, menjadikan masyarakat Indonesia menjadi masyarakat madani yang dapat memanfaatkan potensi hidup mereka dalam berpartisipasi di berbagai bidang khususnya dibidang penulisan karya tulis dan sastra bahasa inggris. Dan Menghasilkan individu–individu yang kreatif. Dan agar menjadi pedoman masyarakat khususnya, mahasiswa STAIN Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi dalam berpolitik.
To express an activity or situation began and ended at a paricular time in the past.
a. Using Verb 2
i. The form of Verb 2 such as;
1. Regular Verb
The form of this make with give d/ed for Verb 1 (verb 1 + d/ed)
2. The verb is added by ‘e’ just give ‘d’.
Ex : love (loved), like (liked), type (typed), hope (hoped), devide (devided), realize (realized).
b. In negatif or interogatif sentences using auxiliary verb “did”. And the verb which use is the verb in verb 1 form. So, Verb 2 just use when the sentence is in positif form.
Ex : I went to your house last night.
Did you do the test last morning?
c. Time signal such as, last week, last month, a week, a month, this night, this morning, yesterday, ago, etc.
Ex : I didn’t find the letter last month.
Andi played guitar last night.
a. Use to show an event in past time which call the time isn’t clear.
Ex :
1. They were not here yesterday
1. She went to malang a week ago.
2. Did you come to her house last night?
b. Use to show an event which being in the past time which is known by question about that event time.
c. Use to show an event that have clear being or doing in the past but donn’t call the time of event exactly.
d. Use to tell about an event that the time of the activity being clear or can known as a result from the question and the answer which is told in the present perfect tense.
e. Use to tell about an event which is done or been in the past time that did not call clearly the time exactly.
f. Use to tell for an activity which is done as a usual in the past time.
a. Positif (+)
i. Verbal
1. A postman delivered letters last morning
2. She went to malang a week ago.
ii. Nominal
1. They were here yesterday
2. I was busy a week ago
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b. Negatif (+)
i. Verbal
1. A postman didn’t deliver letters last morning
2. She didn’t go to malang a week ago.
ii. Nominal
1. They weren’t here yesterday
2. I wasn’t busy a week ago
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c. Interogatif (+)
i. Verbal
1. Did a postman deliver letters last morning?
2. Did she go to malang a week ago?
ii. Nominal
1. Were they here yesterday?
2. Was you busy a week ago?
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To express a general fact in other cases it expresess
a. Use simple form Verb and add letter ‘s’ in the third person singular (He, She, It)
Ex : He speaks loudly
Ex : A man writes with his hands.
b. (He, She, It) using has and (I, You, We, and They) using have.
Ex : He has a book
Ex : I have a chair
c. Question begins with do (I, You, We, and They) or does (He, She, It).
Ex : Do you know him?
Ex : Does he go out?
d. After do/does alwasys use the simple form of the principal Verb.
Ex : He doesn’t go out?
Ex : They don’t go out?
e. Time signal are usually; every day, every month, and twice a week, etc.
Ex : He work every day.
Ex : They go picnic twice a week.
a. It is used to describe a habitual action or those which take place fairly regularly.
Ex : he drives to work
b. Used with adverbs or adverb phrases such us; always, never, often, seldom, sometime, usually, even week, twice a year, etc.
Ex : I always go by a car.
c. Used to express universal truths, fact or ideas that are true or believed to be true for all time.
Ex : Dry wood burns easyly.
d. Used to refer to actions or states which are true at the present moment.
Ex : They work six day a week.
a. Positif (+)
i. Verbal
1. A postman delivers letters
2. He drives a car
ii. Nominal
1. He is here
2. I am busy
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b. Negatif (-)
i. Verbal
1. He does not (doesn’t) drive a car
2. A postman do not (don’t) deliver letters
ii. Nominal
1. He is not here
2. I am not busy
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c. Interogatif (?)
i. Verbal
1. Does he drive a car?
2. Do a postman deliver letters?
ii. Nominal
1. Is he here?
2. Are you busy?
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To express action in the future
a. Using modal Will and Shall
i. Will
Ex : I will meet him tomorrow
ii. Shall
Ex : I shall call us next sunday
b. Followed by Verb 1
Ex : I will meet him tomorrow
Modal verb 1
c. Placed after subject
Ex : I will meet him tomorrow
subject Modal
d. Shall use for (I,We) and Will use for all subject (I, You, We, They, He, She, It)
Ex : I will meet him tomorrow
Ex : I shall call us next sunday
Ex : You will drive this car fastly
Ex : we shall remember you’r sugestion
e. Time signal ( tomorrow, next . . ., to night, etc)
Ex : I will meet him tomorrow
Ex : I shall call us next sunday
Ex : You will drive this car fastly to night
Use for explain about activity which will do in the future.
a. Positif (+)
i. Verbal
1. I will go to jakarta tomorrow
2. We shall play badminton next sunday
ii. Nominal
1. I’ll be busy tomorrow
2. She’ll be late tomorrow
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b. Negatif (-)
i. Verbal
1. I will not (won’t) go to jakarta tomorrow
2. We shall not (shan’t) play badminton next sunday
ii. Nominal
1. I won’t be busy tomorrow
2. She won’t be late tomorrow
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c. Interogatif (?)
i. Verbal
1. Will you go to jakarta tomorrow?
2. Shall we play badminton next Sunday?
ii. Nominal
1. Will you be busy tomorrow
2. Will she be late tomorrow
3. What time will they be at home?
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Note :
- To express Willingness : use only WILL
- To express a PRIOR PLAN : use only BE GOING TO
To expresses the idea that something happened (or never happened) before now, at an unspecified time in the past. The exact time it happened is not important.
1. Using Have/Has and past participle
Ex : I have told you before.
2. To express action that took place in the past and continiousing to the present.
Ex : I have tought this class for ten year.
3. To express action just concluded when the resulting state is still present.
Ex : I have lost my pen, I’m unable to do my exercise.
4. Time signals for present perfect tense are indicated by since, this week, up to now, so far, not yet, already, often, once, twice, etc.
Ex : I have gone to your hause this week.
Not only expresses the idea that something happened but also, expresses the repetition of an activity before now.
a. Positif (+)
i. Verbal
1. I have read this magazine already
2. She has never seen a tiger
ii. Nominal
1. They have been to japan many times
2. She has been to jakarta many times
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b. Negatif (-)
i. Verbal
1. I have not (haven’t) read this magazine already
2. She has not (hasn’t) never seen a tiger
ii. Nominal
1. They have been not to japan many times
2. She has been not to jakarta many times

c. Interogatif (?)
i. Verbal
1. Have you read this magazine already?
2. Has she never seen a tiger?
ii. Nominal
1. Have they been to japan many times?
2. Has she been to jakarta many times?
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Note :
i. The exact time in present perfect of each repetition isn’t important.
To express event or activity that happens in process
a. Using time signal such as now, right now, at present, today, this morning, this afternoon, tonight, at the moment, this week, these day etc.
Ex : a) We are studying english now
b) I am not listening the music this afternoon
c) He is writing a book these days.
b. Use “to be” and “-ing form” e.g:
Ex : The student is writing the lesson
c. To express futurity, with verbs of movement like “go, come, leave, etc, e.g.
Ex : a) Lina is going to bandung next friday.
b) Her soon is coming here next week.
d. A question begins with the auxiliary “am” or “is” or “are”, e.g.
Ex : a) Is he working hard?
b) Are you studying English?
e. Verbs not used in the Continious Tense.
§ Verbs of perception, e.g : see, hear, feel, taste, smell; and the states of mind, feelings, or relationship, e.g : love, hate, know, understand, remember, believe, seem, look, appear, belong; e.g:
Ex : a) I don’t see anything there
b) Do you taste durian in this pudding?
a. The present continious tense is used to express an action or event, which is taking palce at the present moment.
Ex : a) Please don’t make so much noise i’m working
b) ‘where’s suryani?’ she’s reading a book.
c) Let’s go out now! It’s not raining any more
d) (at a party) Hello, firdaus. Are you enjoying the party?
e) I’m tired. I’m going to bed now. Goodnight!
b. It is also used for an action or event, which exists in the present, but it is not necessarily taking place at the moment of speaking.
Ex : a) Hakim wants to work in Italy, so he’s learning Italian.
b) He is teaching in a private school
c. The present continious tense is used to talk about things happenig in period around now. (for ex, today, this week, this evening, etc.)
Ex : a) You are working hard today. ‘Yes, I have a lot of to do’.
b) ‘Is susan working this week?’. ‘No, she’s on holiday’
d. The present continious tense is also used to talk about changes happening around now.
Ex : a) The population of the world is rising very fast.
b) Is your english getting better?
a. Positif (+)
i. Verbal
1. He is learning Italian
2. The population of the world is rising very fast
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b. Negatif (-)
i. Verbal
1. He is not learning Italian
2. The population of the world is not rising very fast
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c. Interogatif (?)
i. Verbal
1. Is he learning Italian?
2. Is the population of the world rising very fast?
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A. Kesimpulan
Dari uraian materi yang telah dipaparkan maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa:
· Tenses terdiri atas simple past tense, simple present tense, simple future tense, present perfect tense and present continious tense.
· Simple past tense is a tense use to express an activity or situation began and ended at a paricular time in the past.
· Simple present tense is a tense use to express a general fact in other cases it expresess
· Simple future tense is a tense use to express action in the future
· Present perfect tense is a tense use to expresses the idea that something happened (or never happened) before now, at an unspecified time in the past. The exact time it happened is not important.
· Present continious tense is a tense to express event or activity that happens in process
‘English Grammar 2 for Class Four’ KMI. Darussalam; press Gontor
Sukur, Silvester Goridus. 1999. Complete English Grammar For The Toefl Test langkah Jitu Melejitkan Score Toefl Test. Indonesia Cerdas: Yogyakarta.
If you strive to master English, grammar is compulsory to know impeccably, but if you feel there are some themes to work on, this source is likely to be helpful http://essay-editor.net/blog/pieces-of-advice-of-usage-present-simple-tense